The Mustang from Hell

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The Mustang from Hell

Post by tekatlarge »

I have been working on my OL Ladies 90 Mustang Convert.

I bought this for her about 3 or so years or so ago. It was supposed to be ready for a seasons driving. Well she kept finding all kinds of "Honey do’s" that her mustang needed. I finally gave in last fall and agreed to do some "Fixing Up".

When I bought the car I was aware of a bit of an oil leak but it didn't seem all that bad. Well when it started it was small Ok When I decided to take a look the car was putting down about ½ quart whenever it sat for more than an hour. I mean this thing was leaving so much oil on the ground an Arab oil minister would be proud!

So now I have to fix this thing so first step was have it steamed cleaned so I could find the oil leak. I had the car steam cleaned and then I added an oil dye and found the little leak was a gusher from the right rear of the oil pan!!! AHHHHhhhhh Shucks!!!

Now here is where the fun begins. I get the book out; I look up info on All Data, and a couple of other sources. All info pointed to this job being possible with out pulling the motor. Big mistake I tried this route! I followed every procedure, I tried every wiggle maneuver I could with the pan and motor, but No way was that dual sump oil pan coming out without pulling the motor. After about a week of jacking and jerking the engine around I gave in and started the process to pull the motor.

I should have read the writing on the wall in the beginning. I had to disconnect so much crap underneath and had the mounts unbolted I should have just kept going. I get burned every time trying to do things by the book. Next time I am going with my gut feeling.

The motor is now setting on my engine stand ready to be cleaned and re-sealed. There is just no room to work in that tiny engine compartment with the HO 5.0 stuffed in there. Years ago pulling a motor was just a fuel line an ignition wire and some hoses and pull the motor. On this mustang ya got 2 fuel lines and their hooked up with them stupid spring connector. Oh got to pull the air con system cause there is no room to work if it is left connected to the car. Hmmm pull power steering. Radiator fan and belts. 3 throttle cables connectors for all kinds of things and tons of stuff underneath. I really enjoyed removing the starter. NOT What a hoot working through a hole in the spring tower to reach the bolts..

Ok I am now feeling better, The motor is quietly setting in my engine stand and leaking oil and antifreeze from most of it's seems. I just finished a marathon cleaning session in the shop, soaking up oil, antifreeze, grime, grease and everything else. No matter how careful a person is there is the inevitable spillage of antifreeze and oil.

Ahh the pleasure of setting back today and just a little payback as The Ol Lady was the one out there today sweeping and mopping!! After all it is her car. Ha hahahahaha
The Tek @ Large
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Post by TC »

I am not envious.
But at least I know where to find some oil in a crisis.
Stay off the pipe, don't forget to wipe.
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